Annual EMC Conference | Early Modern Social Networks, 1500-1800 | March 16-17, 2012
McCune Conference Room (HSSB 6020)
This two-day conference features keynote speakers Ann Blair, Elizabeth Eger, and James Raven. It will consist of keynote talks and panel discussions that will encourage all participants to engage the issues raised throughout the conference.
“Early Modern Social Networks” Website
Neil Saccamano Lecture | April 12, 2012
“Reading books on a Battlefield: Cosmopolitics and the Trouble with Humanity in Rousseau”
Neil Saccamano (English and Comparative Literature, Cornell)
South Hall 2635, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Sponsored by the EMC and the Comparative Literature Department.
Andrew Griffin Lecture | April 24, 2012
“Collaboration Without Interdisciplinarity: On a Digital Performance Edition of King Leir”
Andrew Griffin (English, UCSB)
South Hall 2635, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
IHC Symposium | Renaissance Publics, Renaissance Goods | May 4, 2012
This symposium will contribute to the Interdisciplinary Humanities Center theme for 2011-2012 – “Public Goods” – by discussing the contribution of furniture, clothes, writing desks, books, ballads, and woodcuts to the creation of publics and public goods in the Renaissance. The event will include talks by Patricia Fumerton (UC Santa Barbara), Ann Rosalind Jones (Smith College), Julia Reinhard Lupton (UC Irvine) and Peter Stallybrass (University of Pennsylvania).
David Marshall Lecture | May 16, 2012
“Turning Points: Dickens, Defoe, and the Conversion of Autobiography”
Dean David Marshall (English, UCSB)
South Hall 2635, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
Reception to follow at 5:00 PM in the Collaborative Research Commons (with the 19th Century Reading Group).
Patricia Fumerton Lecture | May 25, 2012
“Digitizing Ephemera and its Discontents: EBBA’s Quest to Capture the Protean Broadside Ballad”
Patricia Fumerton (English, UCSB)
South Hall 2635, 3:30 – 5:00 PM